Dr James Dobson, Family Talk
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As Seen On

Megan’s Blog
Parents… When “YES” should really be “NO”
May I be totally honest with you? I hate saying “NO!” Everyday, I’m presented with exciting opportunities, needy relationships, and pressing engagements that tempt me to “come and follow.” Activities and adventures that seem so much more fulfilling than my daily...
Mom’s Work is Never Finished
I like to finish projects. There’s something wonderful about wrapping up what I’ve begun that gives me a great sense of accomplishment. I want to check the final box, finish every detail, pack it up and move on to the next thing. There’s just one problem…I’m a mother!...
Celebrate the Good Times!
As the school year draws to a close, we’re going to have lots of opportunities to celebrate our children’s successes. Whether it’s sports awards, music awards, academic awards, or even just attendance awards, there’s no limit to the amount of accolades our children...