Are you dreaming big dreams?

Are you thinking thoughts that are bigger than your home, your family, and your little circle of influence?

I hope you are! It’s tempting during the all-consuming years of raising small (and not so small!) children, to assume that how our life looks today is all that we can look forward to in the future. In the midst of diapers, carpools, checking homework, and washing load after load after load of laundry, it’s almost impossible to envision that our lives and the big dreams that God has given us will ever have any impact beyond the four walls of our home.

But they will!

Moms, your dreams are irreplaceable. Today may not be the day you’ll see those dreams come true, but every day is another step in your preparation to be a dream-maker and a culture changer.

I think all of us would say that we want to see our children impact the world for Christ; we all long to see them change and transform our culture for the cause of righteousness. However, are we giving them a model to follow in that endeavor? When they look at our lives, do they see hearts that are intent on leaving a mark on this world for the Savior? Or, do they just see a tired, worn-out mom who is living a life of “same old/same old?”

One of the best things we can do for our children is to show them how to dream big dreams!

And perhaps even more importantly, we have to show them how to make those dreams come true. We provide our children a working model for “dream-living” as we set aside time to develop and hone those gifts and talents the Lord has given us. Our excitement as we prepare to use those gifts and talents to change our world will excite our children too!

I know what you’re thinking…

“Are you kidding? I’m exhausted! And now you want me to spend time developing my dreams? Are you nuts? Fuggetaboutit!” 

Believe me, I understand! If I had to use one word to describe the last 29 years of parenting my eight kids, the word would most certainly be EXHAUSTING! But, here’s the beauty of those dreams that God has given us… When we spend time cultivating our big God-dreams, we’ll be energized. As we hone our skills and refine our talents, we’ll be rejuvenated.

Dreaming and developing big dreams isn’t like the to-do list in our daily planner, rather it’s an invigorating, thrilling, joy-producing adventure that wakes us up and sets our hearts on fire! 

Perhaps the Lord has gifted you as a cook. Today, it may seem like all you do is make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but are you studying and researching how you can use your gift of cooking to reach others with the Gospel. Full bellies can eliminate the distraction of hunger as we seek to evangelize the lost. Food communicates love and those who feed the hungry will earn the right to share truth with precious hungry people. As you practice on your little flock today, you’ll be preparing to serve your Savior’s flock in the days to come.

Maybe your gift is hospitality. Are you dreaming big to determine how to use that gift in the most effective way possible? Today, your time may be spent trying to keep up on the daily chores, referee the kids, and organize the Legos, but tomorrow will come soon enough. Are you prepared to use your tomorrows to open your home and show others, in a real and tangible way, what it “looks like” to be a Christian family? Will you use your gifts of hospitality to provide a sanctuary of peace to folks who are weary and discouraged by the world? Those who don’t know the Lord will be supernaturally drawn to Him as they experience a home where Christ dwells.

For me, the big dream was writing and communicating truth to others. For years, my writing resume was limited to silly stories for my children and the annual family Christmas letter. Eight children and their myriad needs left me busy all-day and exhausted at night. Writing just wasn’t a priority. However, in all those years of waiting, the ideas were popping and exploding in my head. I scribbled outlines and titles and shoved them in my drawer for “someday.” Now, after all that time, years of being “just a wife,” and “just a mother” has provided the exact content that God can use to communicate His truth through me.

Parents who are big dreamers will be able to encourage and set-free their children to be big dreamers, as well. Our world needs big dreamers more than ever. We need bold, courageous young adults who will transform their world for Christ and those bold, courageous kids will come from homes where big dreams were the norm.

They’ll come from homes where parents and children alike had a holy expectation that God would take the big dreams He’d ignited in their hearts and use them to accomplish great things!

Don’t waste precious time today wondering when tomorrow will come. Don’t waste time doubting that God will use those big dreams He’s given you. Instead, just prepare, pray, faithfully carry out your priorities and responsibilities, and then sit back and watch how God will take your big dreams, (that are really His big dreams) and use them for His glory!